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          Products >Materials Science >Material Others >Mateial Other

          Products(44) Items 1-5 of 2


          Magnesium boride

          12007-25-9 99% metalsbasis

          Typically In Stock


          Sodium hydrogenphosphate dihydrate

          10028-24-7 99%

          Typically In Stock



          2098836-45-2 99%

          Typically In Stock


          3A molecular sieve

          308080-99-1 3.0mm-5.0mm

          Typically In Stock


          Strontium Sulphate

          7759-02-6 98%

          Typically In Stock


          (2R,3R,4R,5S)-Hexane-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexaol monooctadecanoate

          1338-41-6 Saponification Value 145-160

          Typically In Stock


          Manganese oxide (Mn2O3)

          1317-34-6 98%

          Typically In Stock

          Capstone FS 30

          1640092-35-8 95%

          3-Hexyl-1-methyl-1H-imidazol-3-ium trifluorotris(perfluoroethyl)phosphate(V)

          713512-19-7 97%


          N/A 97%


          Ammonium iodide

          12027-06-4 AR,99.0%

          Typically In Stock

          (2R,3R,4R,5S)-Hexane-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexaol monooctadecanoate

          1338-41-6 99.5%

          3A molecular sieve

          308080-99-1 pellets,3-5 mm

          Sodium hydrogenphosphate dihydrate

          10028-24-7 ≥98%(T)

          Sodium phosphate dodecahydrate

          10101-89-0 ACS, ≥98%

          3A molecular sieve

          308080-99-1 3mm-5mm,for drier

          Strontium Sulphate

          7759-02-6 CP


          Silicic acid

          7699-41-4 AR

          Typically In Stock

          Sodium hydrogenphosphate dihydrate

          10028-24-7 for HPLC, ≥99%(T)

          Ammonium iodide

          12027-06-4 1mg/ml (1,000ppm)

          Lithium sulfate monohydrate

          10102-25-7 99.99% metals basis

          3A molecular sieve

          308080-99-1 Bar

          3A molecular sieve

          308080-99-1 40-60mesh,for GC/LC column

          (2R,3R,4R,5S)-Hexane-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexaol monooctadecanoate

          1338-41-6 Nonionic Surfactants

          Lithium sulfate monohydrate

          10102-25-7 ACS,99.0%

          Ammonium iodide

          12027-06-4 98%

          3A molecular sieve

          308080-99-1 ≥100mesh,for GC/LC column

          Sodium phosphate dodecahydrate

          10101-89-0 ≥99.99% metals basis

          3A molecular sieve

          308080-99-1 20-40mesh,for GC/LC column

          Silicic acid

          7699-41-4 99.9% metals basis

          1 2 Total of 2 Pages
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